Pre & Postnatal Care Tips
Hello friend,
I hope you find these care tips helpful. This is not medical advice as I am not a doctor, mid-wife, doula or lactation consultant. The advice I’m giving you is friendly advice based on the solutions I relied on during the first months after my own son was born. I found these recommendations either though my midwife or from personal online research. While everything I describe here is natural, time tested, gentle remedies with natural herbs and supplements, I highly recommend that you ask your medical provider if these treatments are appropriate for you.
I hope you find these care tips helpful. This is not medical advice as I am not a doctor, mid-wife, doula or lactation consultant. The advice I’m giving you is friendly advice based on the solutions I relied on during the first months after my own son was born. I found these recommendations either though my midwife or from personal online research. While everything I describe here is natural, time tested, gentle remedies with natural herbs and supplements, I highly recommend that you ask your medical provider if these treatments are appropriate for you.
Prenatal Care Tips
Body Pillows and Sleep Support
By about 30 week, you'll probably already have some interesting pillow arrangements to help you sleep at night. Many clients love the firm, oversized body pillow I use during side-lying pregnancy massage. Here's where to find one like it. And here are the wedges I use in the 90 minute session when it's time to recline. As baby grows, the weight of your belly can pull your low back into an uncomfortable sway, even while you are sleeping. I love these smaller support wedges to tuck under a growing belly and support some of that weight. Any pillow will do to place behind your back so that as you sleep if you happen to flop on your back, you won't be completely flat and a flat pillow will do work for between your thighs of you are experiencing hip pain and you don't have a body pillow.
By about 30 week, you'll probably already have some interesting pillow arrangements to help you sleep at night. Many clients love the firm, oversized body pillow I use during side-lying pregnancy massage. Here's where to find one like it. And here are the wedges I use in the 90 minute session when it's time to recline. As baby grows, the weight of your belly can pull your low back into an uncomfortable sway, even while you are sleeping. I love these smaller support wedges to tuck under a growing belly and support some of that weight. Any pillow will do to place behind your back so that as you sleep if you happen to flop on your back, you won't be completely flat and a flat pillow will do work for between your thighs of you are experiencing hip pain and you don't have a body pillow.
Postnatal care tips
What is a sitz bath?
Soaking in water at a mild temperature can help speed up the healing process by boosting blood flow and soothing irritation. A post-partum sitz bath can offer relief from soreness, burning, and inflammation, and provide you with a deeply relaxing break from your exciting, but very busy first days of life with a new baby.
How is it done?
Either sitting in your bathtub or in a basin, it doesn’t take a lot of water – just a few inches to cover your perineum and hips. The temperature should be lukewarm and comfortable to the touch. Soak up to three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes and afterward, gently pat the area dry using a soft towel. If you have stitches, you might want to do less. Ask your doctor.
Herbal Sitz Bath
While just warm water will have a soothing effect, you can boost the healing power of your sitz bath by adding herbs. There are many variations in the herbs you can use, but I found these to be the most commonly recommended ones. Some research may reveal that one of your favorite herbs is also a favorite for this treatment. Throw it in there!
Blend the herbs listed below together in equal parts. I order my herbs from and I’d recommend you get the 4 oz bags- it will be plenty. You can also search for smaller quantities online or at your local Herb Bar. Add 2 cups of mixed herbs to 2 quarts of boiling water and let steep covered for 30 minutes or up to a few hours, until a strong herbal tea is formed. Strain, store and refrigerate. At this stage, you have a very concentrated tea, and you’ll want to add additional water when your actually soak. This tea is for an external application only, do not drink this tea.
I found a little soaking tub like the ones pictured here and I would add about 2 cups of tea, a hot kettle of water and a cold kettle of water or more to make the water warm, but not hot. You can add a handful of sea salt every other bath. Diluted herbal tea can also be used in a squirt bottle as a peri-rinse or as an ice pad application by freezing a maxi pad soaked in tea.
Herbal Sitz Bath “Tea”
Comfrey Leaves- reduces bleeding, revitalizes injured bones and joints.
Uva Ursi Leaves- promotes the healing of minor cuts, has antimicrobial and anti-bacterial properties, and reduces inflammation.
Shepherd’s Purse- reduces bleeding
Lavender Flowers- helps with irritability, restlessness, depression; calms anger and agitation, and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and astringent properties as well.
Calendula Leaves- effective as a skin protectant, wound healer, anti-inflammatory and mild anesthetic.
Sea Salt (if added) – speeds healing of skin, promotes cell health, and relieves joint pain.
You should be given a little peri-bottle to take home from the hospital (HEB sells a $1 condiment bottle with the kitchen accessories that also does the trick, but the hospital should give you one) and you can mix warm tap water, a shot of witch hazel and a few drops of lavender to rinse your body after you use the restroom to keep any wounds or tears clean. After urinating but while still sitting on the toilet, rinse the outside of the perineum, beginning at the front and moving toward the back. Do not squirt water up into the vagina. Pat the area dry. You can sub that blend every once in a while with some diluted sitz tea to keep it hippie-tastic. Bonus tip for something no one ever talks about: keep a fiber supplement around or just be sure to eat fiber rich food to help the first post-delivery poop so that you don’t have to push too hard. Motherhood is glamorous.
Iced Pads
You can expect to be sore in your nethers for up to two weeks after delivery and you can also expect to be bleeding for about the same time. You’ll need the biggest maxi pads you feel comfortable with for those first days, but you can also use them to make soothing ice pads. Take a few maxis, open them up and soak them in water with witch hazel or the herbal sitz bath tea. Leaving the plastic wrap between each maxi to keep them from freezing together, place them in a gallon baggie either flat or a little bowl-like shape in the freezer. Wrap the frozen pad in a paper towel and apply as desired.
Lactation support
New moms spend lots of time nesting and prepping for baby- folding and re-folding tiny onesies, reading everything you can about labor and delivery, and getting the house rearranged for the new boss. But nothing prepares you for how all-encompassing breast-feeding becomes in your life with a newborn immediately after they are born. Your baby should try nursing within the first hour of life and then you’re locked into feeding every 3 hours, day and night for weeks on end. And that’s a lot to process and it’s not always easy. Having a whole human depending on you for sustenance is an amazing responsibility, but of course, it’s very doable if it’s your thing. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, it might not be your thing and that is its own journey that you should take with joy!
Being prepared for this wonderful, new thing is key. Taking a lactation class is a great idea and so is having the phone number for a lactation consultant on hand if you need more help after you leave the hospital. I had a bumpy ride myself, dealing with 2 bouts of mastitis and ultimately needing a glactocele aspirated from a super plugged milk duct in just the first 6 weeks. By 8 weeks my baby was happy and I was happy exclusively pumping, which had its bad points (so many pump parts and bottles to wash) and good points (very measured, scheduled and shared feeding responsibilities) but we did it for 16 months until my son was no longer interested in breast milk. Every experience with nursing is different, but you can be ready for many things with the following items in your tool kit, which can all be found at Central Market or Target.
Nursing Tool Kit
Lansinoh brand Lanolin for cracked nipples. It’s the best and it’s also great for very dry skin anywhere on mom or baby.
Cotton breast pads can be more comfortable then the disposable ones, but you’ll need 6-10 pairs. Machine wash and dry flat.
Mother’s Milk Tea is a great way to maintain an established supply of milk.
You might need to increase milk supply for a number of reasons. Maybe your supply has just naturally decreased, or even illness or medications that are supposed to dry you out, such as Benadryl or many allergy medicines can dry up your milk. Fenugreek supplements and eating oatmeal are tried and true ways to bring back your supply.
Lecithin helps plugged ducts as an emulsifier, which helps the milk pass through the ducts easier. And it makes you and baby smell like maple syrup, which is a plus in my book.
I happened to use and really like Medela Electric and hand pumps, but I’m sure any brand will do the job. Don't forget, health insurance plans cover the cost of a new breast pump! is an awesome resource in general! I looked at this page regarding milk volume all the time. The milk calculator and the picture of baby’s maximum stomach capacity about halfway down the page was very helpful.
I found the information on this bog also to be very useful for information on increasing your milk supply.
Other goodies my baby especially liked:
Mother’s Bliss or Little Tummy’s Gripe Water
Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer
Dr. Brown’s Bottles
Swaddle Me or Summer Infant swaddle wraps
Halo sleep sacks
A sound machine/projector in any brand.
Cool-mist humidifier in any brand.
OK, there you have it! I hope some of this comes in handy, but you’ll find your own perfect ways as you go.
See you soon!
Soaking in water at a mild temperature can help speed up the healing process by boosting blood flow and soothing irritation. A post-partum sitz bath can offer relief from soreness, burning, and inflammation, and provide you with a deeply relaxing break from your exciting, but very busy first days of life with a new baby.
How is it done?
Either sitting in your bathtub or in a basin, it doesn’t take a lot of water – just a few inches to cover your perineum and hips. The temperature should be lukewarm and comfortable to the touch. Soak up to three times a day for 10 to 15 minutes and afterward, gently pat the area dry using a soft towel. If you have stitches, you might want to do less. Ask your doctor.
Herbal Sitz Bath
While just warm water will have a soothing effect, you can boost the healing power of your sitz bath by adding herbs. There are many variations in the herbs you can use, but I found these to be the most commonly recommended ones. Some research may reveal that one of your favorite herbs is also a favorite for this treatment. Throw it in there!
Blend the herbs listed below together in equal parts. I order my herbs from and I’d recommend you get the 4 oz bags- it will be plenty. You can also search for smaller quantities online or at your local Herb Bar. Add 2 cups of mixed herbs to 2 quarts of boiling water and let steep covered for 30 minutes or up to a few hours, until a strong herbal tea is formed. Strain, store and refrigerate. At this stage, you have a very concentrated tea, and you’ll want to add additional water when your actually soak. This tea is for an external application only, do not drink this tea.
I found a little soaking tub like the ones pictured here and I would add about 2 cups of tea, a hot kettle of water and a cold kettle of water or more to make the water warm, but not hot. You can add a handful of sea salt every other bath. Diluted herbal tea can also be used in a squirt bottle as a peri-rinse or as an ice pad application by freezing a maxi pad soaked in tea.
Herbal Sitz Bath “Tea”
Comfrey Leaves- reduces bleeding, revitalizes injured bones and joints.
Uva Ursi Leaves- promotes the healing of minor cuts, has antimicrobial and anti-bacterial properties, and reduces inflammation.
Shepherd’s Purse- reduces bleeding
Lavender Flowers- helps with irritability, restlessness, depression; calms anger and agitation, and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and astringent properties as well.
Calendula Leaves- effective as a skin protectant, wound healer, anti-inflammatory and mild anesthetic.
Sea Salt (if added) – speeds healing of skin, promotes cell health, and relieves joint pain.
You should be given a little peri-bottle to take home from the hospital (HEB sells a $1 condiment bottle with the kitchen accessories that also does the trick, but the hospital should give you one) and you can mix warm tap water, a shot of witch hazel and a few drops of lavender to rinse your body after you use the restroom to keep any wounds or tears clean. After urinating but while still sitting on the toilet, rinse the outside of the perineum, beginning at the front and moving toward the back. Do not squirt water up into the vagina. Pat the area dry. You can sub that blend every once in a while with some diluted sitz tea to keep it hippie-tastic. Bonus tip for something no one ever talks about: keep a fiber supplement around or just be sure to eat fiber rich food to help the first post-delivery poop so that you don’t have to push too hard. Motherhood is glamorous.
Iced Pads
You can expect to be sore in your nethers for up to two weeks after delivery and you can also expect to be bleeding for about the same time. You’ll need the biggest maxi pads you feel comfortable with for those first days, but you can also use them to make soothing ice pads. Take a few maxis, open them up and soak them in water with witch hazel or the herbal sitz bath tea. Leaving the plastic wrap between each maxi to keep them from freezing together, place them in a gallon baggie either flat or a little bowl-like shape in the freezer. Wrap the frozen pad in a paper towel and apply as desired.
Lactation support
New moms spend lots of time nesting and prepping for baby- folding and re-folding tiny onesies, reading everything you can about labor and delivery, and getting the house rearranged for the new boss. But nothing prepares you for how all-encompassing breast-feeding becomes in your life with a newborn immediately after they are born. Your baby should try nursing within the first hour of life and then you’re locked into feeding every 3 hours, day and night for weeks on end. And that’s a lot to process and it’s not always easy. Having a whole human depending on you for sustenance is an amazing responsibility, but of course, it’s very doable if it’s your thing. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, it might not be your thing and that is its own journey that you should take with joy!
Being prepared for this wonderful, new thing is key. Taking a lactation class is a great idea and so is having the phone number for a lactation consultant on hand if you need more help after you leave the hospital. I had a bumpy ride myself, dealing with 2 bouts of mastitis and ultimately needing a glactocele aspirated from a super plugged milk duct in just the first 6 weeks. By 8 weeks my baby was happy and I was happy exclusively pumping, which had its bad points (so many pump parts and bottles to wash) and good points (very measured, scheduled and shared feeding responsibilities) but we did it for 16 months until my son was no longer interested in breast milk. Every experience with nursing is different, but you can be ready for many things with the following items in your tool kit, which can all be found at Central Market or Target.
Nursing Tool Kit
Lansinoh brand Lanolin for cracked nipples. It’s the best and it’s also great for very dry skin anywhere on mom or baby.
Cotton breast pads can be more comfortable then the disposable ones, but you’ll need 6-10 pairs. Machine wash and dry flat.
Mother’s Milk Tea is a great way to maintain an established supply of milk.
You might need to increase milk supply for a number of reasons. Maybe your supply has just naturally decreased, or even illness or medications that are supposed to dry you out, such as Benadryl or many allergy medicines can dry up your milk. Fenugreek supplements and eating oatmeal are tried and true ways to bring back your supply.
Lecithin helps plugged ducts as an emulsifier, which helps the milk pass through the ducts easier. And it makes you and baby smell like maple syrup, which is a plus in my book.
I happened to use and really like Medela Electric and hand pumps, but I’m sure any brand will do the job. Don't forget, health insurance plans cover the cost of a new breast pump! is an awesome resource in general! I looked at this page regarding milk volume all the time. The milk calculator and the picture of baby’s maximum stomach capacity about halfway down the page was very helpful.
I found the information on this bog also to be very useful for information on increasing your milk supply.
Other goodies my baby especially liked:
Mother’s Bliss or Little Tummy’s Gripe Water
Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer
Dr. Brown’s Bottles
Swaddle Me or Summer Infant swaddle wraps
Halo sleep sacks
A sound machine/projector in any brand.
Cool-mist humidifier in any brand.
OK, there you have it! I hope some of this comes in handy, but you’ll find your own perfect ways as you go.
See you soon!